Kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang aplikasi favorit saya yakni 4Shared Music dimana dengan aplikasi ini kita dimudahkan dalam download lagu. Aplikasi ini terhubung dengan server 4Shared.com , jadi ketika kita ingin mencari sebuah lagu tinggal ketik judul lagu dan klik cari. mudah bukan?
Syarat untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini teman-teman harus mempunyai akun 4Shared di http://www.4shared.com/
Ok langsung saja download aplikasi-nya di bawah ini
4shared Music was created for those, who can’t live without music and
don’t want their attention to be attracted with anything else, but music
while listening to it. When you install this app on your Android
device, you may easily access your favorite tracks from 4shared.
your ‘Search’ menu item you can look for music files you like and add
them to your playlist at 4shared Music. You don’t have to look for them
each time you use the app, just create a playlist, add your favorite
tracks and listen to them exactly from your 4shared Music anytime you
want. Moreover, you can upload tracks from your Android device to your
4shared Music.
With 4shared Music you can enjoy 15GB of space for
your music and nothing out of place. Upload and add all music files you
like and make your life even more enjoyable with 4shared!
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